Today - well, yesterday now - I worked on my project again. I was hoping to finish everything today and roll home under my own power, but alas, it was not to be. We spent nearly a solid 3 hours just working on the wheel assembly - one of them. Finally, as 9 o'clock rolled around, we called it quits and will have to finish making it work next time. The good thing is that we're nearly done with that part, and it'll just be a matter of copying it for the other wheel.
Teriyaki Chicken Kebabs. They'are just as awesome as a Mystery Project!
Plasma cutter!!! And a sprocket.
The drive assembly, almost in it's proper place.
The drive assembly, plus the motor, batteries, and controller assembly
Yep, this is what we made tonight. Isn't it beautiful?
Final edition of the frame (hopefully). Now it doesn't bow in half when I sit down on it!!!
The pile of stuff grows larger, and yet condenses...